大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲(下)

原作者: 大喇叭

简介:1980年代后期仍然是唱片业的鼎盛时期,那时的唱片公司已经停止了黑胶唱片的发行而转向了CD。市场上,CD的曲目急速增加,而黑胶唱片开始变得不再时髦,在降价处理、走下坡路了。那时候,我完全不了解演奏家和音乐作品 ...
伦敦不仅有五个世界一流的交响乐团(更有二流,三流以及不入流的业余演出团体和小组,但水准极高),一流的芭蕾舞团和歌剧院以及丰富的演出活动,还有很多唱片公司,音乐杂志,唱片店等等。在公交车两站路的范围内,伦敦牛津街上有HMV三家大店,包括HMV总店,有楼上楼下四层;还有面积更大的Virgin Records总店,是三个建筑的合成,也有楼上楼下三层。在Piccadilly Circus另有Tower Records总店,都是唱片业的巨型零售店。那些店有多大?大到超出你的想象,在里面可以逛到你走不动!东西有多少?多到你看不过来,也不可能都看过来!如果不是按部门再分门别类地去找,你就无法找到感兴趣的东西。即便是找到了古典音乐部(另有各类流行音乐,爵士乐,乡村音乐,电影音乐,录像带和激光视盘LD,图书相册poster等部门),你也不一定能找到你感兴趣的东西,除非是向店员讨教。一个例子:我看到店员应顾客询问,翻出来一个“鞋盒子”,里面都是斯托克豪森Stockhausen的音乐CD——他的CD是不通过唱片公司发行的。你不去问,哪里找得到?而且,那些店员可不是只管上货、收款的。他们知道主要音乐家录制、出版唱片的情况。更是熟知什么地方、谁谁谁开的什么店,可以买到什么唱片。那些店员简直就是些活百科全书!唱片店里从早到晚播放音乐,也摆放各种唱片目录和参考书,供顾客翻阅。
大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线

大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线Maurizio Pollini, 1960 (Photo: EMI Archives) _作者提供
大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线珀利尼在制作肖邦录音的现场 Maurizio Pollini and Paul Kletzki at the recording sessions, April 1960(Photo: Godfrey MacDomnic)_作者提供
波利尼录制的肖邦第一钢琴协奏曲,是由波兰指挥家Paul Kletzki指挥英国爱乐乐团在EMI的录音。录音是在EMI Abbey Road Studio一号录音室进行。时间是1960年4月20、21日。录音师是Neville Boyling。这个堪称里程碑的录音,60年来一直很难超越。
这个录音,英国EMI至少发行过四次黑胶唱片(ASD370,ALP1784,SXLP 30160和HIQLP系列),另外至少还发行了六次CD(见附图)。CD的发行,几乎每一次都是重新digital remastering(即数码制版)。各个版本依次是:

大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线
① 1987版 —EMI studio DRM 系列(应该是第一版,德国压片)
Producer: Peter Andry, Balance Engineer: Neville Boyling. Digital remastered by EMI in 1987。包括1970年录制的肖邦叙事曲,夜曲和波兰舞曲,1985年数码制版。
大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线
② 1992版 —EMI studio plus系列(荷兰压片)
Digital remastering 1987 by EMI Records Ltd.  This compilation 1992 by EMI Records Ltd.
大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线
③ 1992版 —Great Classical Recordings系列
大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线
④ 1997版  —EMI 100 周年纪念版(荷兰压片)
Digital remastering 1997 by EMI Record Ltd.  This compilation 1992 by EMI Records Ltd. 1997 EMI Records Ltd. 
大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线
⑤ 2001版—EMI Great Recordings of the Century系列(EU制作)
采用EMI最新数码技术处理“art” —Abbey Road Technology
Digital remastered by Allan Ramsay at Abbey Road Studios, 2001。附有一些1960年珍贵的历史相片。
大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线
⑥ 2012版 — Warner Classics收购EMI之后新制作的版本
Digital remastered in 2001 by EMI
试听采用的是英国调声的马兰士6006 CD机,LUXMAN C-383前级和M-383后级,推KEF 105/3音箱,都是些音乐性较好而解析力不是最高的器材。如果采用ESOTERIC CD机,B&W 801监听音箱就会展示更多细节和层次。这几个版本的区别可能会更加明显,版本①和②高音突出而且发硬的问题有可能会更加严重。
①1987版 —EMI studio DRM系列
② 1992版 —EMI studio plus系列
④ 1997版
⑤ 2001版
大喇叭听音乐 | 我听肖邦的二首钢琴协奏曲下_视听前线
这次对比的CD碟片是②和⑤,黑胶唱片是EMI SXLP 30160荷兰压片。
CD②是Digital remastering 1987 by EMI。它的声音,主要是弦乐稍微发干,有的地方有些年代感—即超高和超低频缺失,临场感不是最强。但总体来讲,声音是通透的,润色、平衡好,立体三维感好,钢琴十分真实,现场感不错,感觉不到数码声。比黑胶唱片(SXLP 30160)好一些,主要是真实,三维空间感上了一个档次。
CD⑤是Digital remastered 2001 by EMI,采用EMI数码技术处理“art” — Abbey Road Technology。它的声音效果有提升,电平稍高一些。总体声音更好,这证明art技术有益。


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Dr R
5.0 out of 5 stars “Performances that remain amongst the very best”
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 27 February 2019
This recording of the Chopin’s First Piano Concerto was made in 1960, shortly after Pollini had won that year’s Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw at the age of eighteen. It was reissued in stereo in 1997 as one of thirty recordings in EMI’s 1897-1997 100 Years of Great Music series. Subsequently it was included in that company’s Great Recordings of the Century series.
That it completely lives up to these high expectations is due to the soloist’s youthful exuberance and virtuosity, but also to the sensitive conducting of Paul Kletzki, 1900-73 who, until 1942, was more active as a composer. His peripatetic post-war career on the podium is not too well reflected in today’s CD recordings but his musicianship is evident from this performance of the concerto with the Philharmonia Orchestra. This CD also contains outstanding performances of four of the composer’s better known solo pieces, recorded by Pollini in 1968. Later in his career, he developed a style that focused on precision of expression and excessively controlled emotion which I find less approachable.
Frequently performances of Chopin’s piano concertos are vehicles for technical accomplishment with the orchestral accompaniment being little more than that. This was Pollini’s first recording and, perhaps because of this and the differences in age and experience of soloist and conductor, it comes across as a truly integrated performance with both musicians united in their conception of the twenty-year-old composer’s vision.
The remaining solo pieces are much more than mere fillers. As with the concerto, the lyricism of the playing is intensely impressive and reveals a combination of power and genuine warmth that is especially pleasurable. Pollini’s choice of tempi and dynamics seem very natural so that, even though these four works are familiar, the soloist encourages the listener to hear them anew.
The recording sound is good with soloist and orchestra very well balanced. The booklet text by Max Harrison comments on the works played without any details about the pianist or conductor, or describing the enthusiasm with which Pollini’s Warsaw victory was received.
Overall, these remain outstanding recordings that set standards that few other pianists match. Pollini has recorded and recorded a wide range of 19th- and 20th-century music but the performances on this CD, and his recordings of the composer’s Etudes remain classics.
Stanley Crowe
5.0 out of 5 stars “indispensable”
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 August 2013
Pollini’s 1960 recording of the Chopin First Piano Concerto is generally accepted as a classic of recorded music, and I’m in total agreement. Anyone who still thinks of Pollini as a “cold” interpreter needs to listen to the second movement here. Nothing is sentimentally drawn-out or over-pedalled: the thing is just set before you in all its beauty. There’s no attempt to disguise the piano as anything but a percussion instrument, but the judgment in the striking of the keys and the coherence of the phrasing reminds us how a great artist can make the piano speak in as many voices as there are pieces to play. This seems to me Pollini’s great gift — you can call him “objective,” but the great objective performer characterizes and expresses the object that he is creating as the distinct thing it is. Hence the four Nocturnes here, for example, are four distinct and distinctively beautiful objects, if you like. And — to return to the concerto — the first movement has things in common with the third, but where in the first we have “risoluto” in the third we have (with no lack of “risoluto”) wit and playfulness too. Kletzki accompanies positively and alertly, alive to the different characters of the movements, and totally in synch with his soloist. There are other good Chopin concerto recordings, but there’s nothing quite like this one.
Note: These recordings have appeared at least three times earlier in different “looks” from EMI, so be sure you don’t double-buy. This one is 2012, but the remastering goes back to 2001. I don’t know whether to call EMI shameless in their repackaging or whether to applaud them for at least knowing what’s worth repackaging!
I. Giles
5.0 out of 5 stars “A true classic recording of this concerto unwithered by age”
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 12 November 2013
This disc offers a compilation of the very famous recording of the first piano concerto from 1960 and a selection of other works recorded in 1968. The latter selection focusses in on four nocturnes followed by the first ballade and the sixth polonaise.
Pollini made the concerto recording just after winning the Chopin competition at just 18 years of age. The combination of technical perfection allied to a sensitive response to the music was, and remains, totally special. At no time does his technical capability become openly apparent as in the case of Horowitz for example and his approach to musical phrasing and expression is almost akin to differences in breathing so constantly subtle are the constant fluctuations. I this he is wonderfully supported by Kletzki’s superb conducting which is also special but rarely remarked upon.
The solo works are also well chosen and concentrate on Pollini’s clarity and warmth of line. Some of his later recordings came over as cool to the point of being clinical and the technical perfection and objectivity when matched with the showier pieces could seem cold emotionally. None of this applies to these pieces which make for a very satisfying encore to the concerto.
However, it is for the concerto that most will be interested in this disc. Many will want to know if the latest remastering has improved on previous editions. The answer, in my opinion, is definitely a yes. There is added clarity, tonal warmth, depth of sound-stage and an overall increased sense of realism in the sound. No-one would begin to guess at the real age of the recordings, so well have they been remastered.
I would suggest that this disc is a very tempting proposition for both newcomers and also for those interested in investing in the latest remastering.
Gerry ‘M’
5.0 out of 5 stars “Worthy of a 6th star!”
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 January 2012
Why has it taken so long for me to find out this disc existed? Thank you David Mellor for the mention of it in your erudite review on Pollini at 70! I have long enjoyed Pollini’s complete set of the Beethoven Piano concertos – reckoned to be one of the best ever – but his Chopin interpretations at the age of 18 (for me at least) enter a new dimension. The digitally remastered recordings are brilliant and Pollini’s technique is totally assured and faultless. This is most definitely a ‘MUST HAVE’ compilation at a bargain price.
Bill Glen
5.0 out of 5 stars “Playing with elegance and heart”
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 24 February 2014
Ocassionally, in Pollini’s later celebrated Chopin readings for DG I find myself admiring the beautiful playing on display rather than feeling the poetry within the music being released. Travelling back to the young Pollini and this famous recording of the first piano concerto I have no such doubts as this noble reading is vividly, beautifully, projected and remains an essential classic recording of this work.
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